Academic Year 2022/2023 - 4° YearCrediti: 6
SSD: ICAR/21 - Urban and landscape planning
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 102 di studio individuale, 48 di lezione frontale
Semestre: 2°
Expected Learning Outcomes
The course aims to introduce the mature student to a field of research and professional practice that responds to the needs of the renewed profile of the architect in contemporary society in which the paradigm of sustainability constitutes the reference framework. The construction of the city on top of the city has always been present in the professional activity of the designer, declined from time to time as renovation, reuse, recovery, redevelopment, regeneration.
In the current phase, particularly in the European context, the aspect related to the existing urban heritage plays a central role in the European and national urban agenda in which the priorities are the fight against poverty, spatial and social segregation, the reduction of land consumption, the adaptation of cities to demographic change and the use of renewable energy.
The approach to urban regeneration therefore takes into account the needs of safety, health, quality of working conditions, cultural opportunities and, ultimately, the well-being of citizens.
The theme is back in the spotlight after the pandemic experience during which the issues of proximity emerged strongly as a consequence of the discovery of the unlivability of many parts of cities.
The course aims to provide principles and methodologies guiding urban and territorial regeneration and redevelopment starting from international case studies.
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Course Structure
The course consists of lectures. There will be 4 remote or face-to-face lessons held by lecturers and experts who will offer students their reflections and experiences and will talk to them and the lecturer present in the classroom. In the final part of the course an in-depth study of a significant case will be carried out.
Detailed Course Content
The evolution of the approach to the existing city in contemporary urban planning
Urban morphogenesis
Cities and well-being
References to the regulatory framework
Implementation planning and urban design
Urban space as social space
Eco-neighbourhoods Positive Energy Districts
Urban design and adaptation to climate change
The quarter-hour city and strategies for new urban proximity
Textbook Information
1 F. C. Nigrelli, Percorsi del progetto urbano in Francia e in Italia, Officina, Roma, 1999
2 D. Mangin, Ph. Panerai, ProjetUrbain, Parenthèses, Marseille, 1999
3 G. B. Cocco, La deriva del Progetto urbano. Perdere e riprendere la rotta, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, 2017
4 E. Zazzero, EcoQuartieri. Temi per il progetto urbano sostenibile, Maggioli, Rimini, 2014
5 F. D’Orso, Ecoquartiers, Tome 1 e Tome 2, EditionsPC- SNAL, Paris, 2014
6 F. Musco, Rigenerazione urbana e sostenibilità, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018
7 G. Colombini, Rigenerazione sociale, urbana e sostenibile, Maggioli, Rimini, 2017
8 O. Codispoti, Forma urbana e sostenibilità. L'esperienza degli ecoquartierieuropei, List, 2017
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | L’evoluzione dell’approccio alla città esistente nell’urbanistica contemporanea | 1 |
2 | Tessuti e forme urbane – morfogenesi urbana | 1 - 2 |
3 | Città e benessere | |
4 | Riferimenti al quadro normativo | |
5 | Pianificazione attuativa e progetto urbano | 1 - 3 |
6 | Spazio urbano come spazio sociale | |
7 | Ecoquartierie Distretti a Energia Positiva | 4 -5 |
8 | Progetto urbano e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici | 6 - 7 - 8 |