Francesco NOCERA

Professore associato di FISICA TECNICA AMBIENTALE [IIND-07/B]

Civil Engineering, 1997 University of Catania (UdC) Italy.  Ph.D. in  Applied Physics, 2002, University of Palermo Italy. 

  • Since 2018, he is an Associate Professor of Building Physics and Building Energy Systems at UdC. 
  • Key Analysis Expert for European Poly-technical University (Bulgaria). 
  • Since 2010 Scientific responsible of the  Computer Lab at Special Didactic Structures established in decentralized seats of Siracusa (Architecture)
  • Since 2020, Scientific responsible of the  Energetic Sustainability  and Environmental Control laboratory at Special Didactic Structures established in decentralized seats of Siracusa (Architecture) 
  • Honorary Member of National Association for the Thermal and Acoustic Insulation (ANIT). 
  • Member of " Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Territorial Risks” Ph.D. Course (UdC). 
  • Rector's Delegate for the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 
  • Best Research Paper Award in KES-SEB (2014) conference. 
  • Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal: SustainabilityJournal of Daylighting, Energies, Highlights of Sustainability, Sci
  • Responsible for Erasmus + Agreement with the University of Valladolid (Spain)
  • Member of IEA Task 59: Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy.
  • Member of interdepartmental Research Centers: Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of HArm Reduction (CoEHAR), L'Ora del Mare (OdM), Community Engagement (CUrE). 
  • Expert Reviewer for the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL). 
  • UNESCO short term expert of Natural Sciences Roster. 
  • Expert reviewer H2020-MSCA-IF-2019. 
  • Member of Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research and Innovation. European Commission Member of Expert Group on Ambient Air Quality, Energy Performance of Building Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive. 
  • Responsible for the General Agreement with CEU Cardenal Herrera University (Spain)Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering of Chongqing University (Cina), Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland University (SUPSI)
  • Responsible for International Students Training Internship with Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland University (SUPSI) on Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BiPV).
  • Visiting Professor at Valladolid University and CEU University
  • Member of  the International Commission on Illumination (CIE)  and auditor of UNI/CT 023/GL 02 Lighting of Work Places and schools
  • Member of IEA PED Annex 83: Positive Energy Districts 
  • Expert Member of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)

Speaker in international conferences (25).  Co-author of 116 scientific papers on Scopus Database: International journals (57), conference proceedings (45) and chapter of books (14), about: confined environments, recording and processing of environmental data, buildings energy analysis, environmental thermo-fluid dynamics, natural and artificial lighting, environmental and building acoustics, problems in environmental comfort and conservation of cultural assets, active and passive strategies for environmental monitoring and air-conditioning systems, indoor and outdoor comfort (UHI,UHII etc), solar energy, heat transfer, energy saving, renewable energy.

N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina
Anno accademico 2023/2024

Anno accademico 2022/2023

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021
    Corso di laurea magistrale in Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability - 1° anno

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016

The main interest topics are:

  • basic thermodynamics 
  • thermo-fluid dynamics
  • heat transmission
  • lighting
  • acoustics
  • rational use of energy,
  • use of renewable energy sources
  • energy service management in buildings and urban landscapes.

I am particularly interested in experimental studies of: 

  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
  • Indoor and Outdoor Comfort (UHI, UHII etc)
  • Zero Energy Buildings 
  • Passive House
  • Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy
  • Buildings Energy Analysis
  • Environmental Thermo-fluid dynamics
  • Natural and Artificial lighting
  • Environmental and Building acoustics
  • Air Pollution

L'attività di ricerca è realizzata grazie alle attrezzature del laboratorio SECA , alcune delle quali sono state sponsorizzata dalla PCE-Italia ( che si RINGRAZIA. Tra le attrezzature sponsorizzate vi è una stazione meteo ubicata sull'edificio 3 del DICAR

Guida alle tesi di laurea

Il lavoro di tesi è il più importante momento creativo nella vita dello studente, che deve svilupparlo con autonomia e indipendenza sotto la guida del relatore. 

Il compito principale di questi non è insegnare al laureando l'argomento della tesi, ma indirizzarlo nello sviluppare tale argomento in modo sistematico e coerente. 

Per la stesura della tesi vedere l'allegato.

Gli argomenti sviluppabili sono quelli tipici della Fisica Tecnica ed in particolare:

Risparmio energetico,energie rinnovabili,  comfort termico, visivo e acustico a scala edilizia e urbana

Analisi energetiche e termo-igrometriche a scala edilizia e urbana 

Controllo e mitigazione degli impatti ambientali e della qualità dell'aria in ambienti indoor e outdoor

Analisi di strategie e soluzioni relativamente all’adattamento e alla mitigazione ai cambiamenti climatici.