Academic Year 2024/2025 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Francesca CASTAGNETO
Credit Value: 10
Scientific field: ICAR/12 - Architectural technology
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 26 hours
Term / Semester:

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course belongs to the disciplinary area of the Technology of the Architecture and it is finalized to get basic knowledges about materials used in building production and principles for designing constructive systems and technical elements.

The Technology of the Architecture, aims to give the knowledge of the environment transformation processes, the methods and the tools to define, to appreciate and to check the suitable choices for building realization.

The student must acquire the basic necessary competences to:

  • to identify the technical elements within the classification of the Technological System according to UNI 8290, recognizing its performances and the relationship with technologies and materials employees for the realization;
  • to govern the relationships between technological solutions and building performances;
  • to check the compatibility of the constructive elements in relationship to the building system.

Detailed Course Content

The student must acquire the basic necessary competences to:

  • to identify the technical elements within the classification of the Technological System according to UNI 8290, recognizing its performances and the relationship with technologies and materials employees for the realization;
  • to govern the relationships between technological solutions and building performances;
  • to check the compatibility of the constructive elements in relationship to the building system.

The basic knowledges concern the followings material:

• Natural and artificial Stones

• the wood

• the metals

• the glass

The constructive elements are:

• masonries

• coverages

• attics

• frames

• staircases