Academic Year 2022/2023 - 2° YearCrediti: 6
SSD: IUS/10 - Administrative law
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 102 di studio individuale, 48 di lezione frontale
Semestre: 2°
Expected Learning Outcomes
The course aims to provide the national regulatory framework and regional disciplines related to "government land" in the various components: the different plans (general plans, executive plans, sector plans), the building components of property, the authorization regimes and sanctions.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
1. The constitutional organization in Italy
President of the Republic
2. Regions and local government
Title V of the Italian Constitution
The links between State and regions
The regional and local forms of government
3. The public administration
Government and public administration
The constitutional principles of public administration
The principles on the administrative procedure
The contracts of the public administration
Public services
4. The sources of the Italian legal system
Constitution and constitutional laws
Ordinary formal law and acts having the force of law
The law-making process
The referendum
Government regulations
The European sources
The regional laws and the regulations of local authorities
5. Acts and administrative measures
Types of administrative measures
Administrative discretion
Defects of administrative measures
Protection against administrative measures
6. The land planning
Land as “common good”
Ownership and neutralization of the rent
Territory, environment, landscape, cultural heritage
Local policies
7. Planning
General planning
Plan implementation tools
Supra-municipal planning
Sector planning
8. Infrastructures and services for the territory
Public services
9. Construction and sustainable development
The legislation on building activity
Energy, climate and circular economy in the discipline of building activity
10. The principle of responsibility
Liability and sanctions
Textbook Information
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
oral examination
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Ownership and neutralization of the rent
General planning
Supra-municipal planning
The legislation on building activity
Liability and sanctions