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Rita Maria VALENTI

Associate Professor of Drawing [ICAR/17]

Degree with honours in Civil Engineering and Construction (Architecture and Planning) (1986), Engineer (1987) PhD (1992). Associate Professor in Drawing (Icar 17) since 2005, at the University of Catania, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture - Special Teaching Structure of Architecture based in Syracuse. Qualified as full professor, National Scientific Qualification, sector 08/E1 - Drawing in 2020. 

At the S.D.S. of Architecture, based in Syracuse, he has taught courses in Fundamentals and Applications of Descriptive Geometry, Drawing and Survey of Architecture, Graphics and Communication of Digital Image. 

Coordinator and Scientific Director of the "Laboratory of Representation" at the University of Catania-DICAR- SDS of Architecture, she has been a member of the teaching board of the PhD in Theory and History of Representation.

President of the Course of Study of Architecture at the University of Catania (2020).


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Academic Year 2023/2024

Academic Year 2022/2023

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Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016