Academic Year 2018/2019 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 10
Scientific field: ICAR/21 - Urban and landscape planning
Laboratories: 100 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course makes play the students to design an experience that, even within the limits of teaching simulation, approaching a professional work, both from the concrete work feasibility point of view, and for adherence to the planning instruments forecasts vigor in the territory where the selected area falls. It is not excluded, on this point, a critical reflection, possibly dialectical, with contents in current plans, but always in terms of concreteness, in order to reduce the gap between university education and the world of work.

    The course mainly aims at the Student Architect training the themes that deal with the landscaping project by providing both technical and methodological tools associated with the design supports both those theorists who prepare the student to navigate between categories of knowledge on the plane of knowledge (episteme).

  • Landscape Design and Planning

    The laboratory aim is understanding the relational nature of landscape design. The content will be referred non only to areas around urban settlements but also to “inner areas”, far from urban settlements and services but rich in cultural and natural heritage. Students will interpret the landscape of an area that is part of the 1669 lava flow of Mount Etna and design it according to the principles of ecomuseums.

Detailed Course Content


    The knowledge of the foundations of the discipline will be divided into two parallel paths: a theoretician and a practical one, who will use the analytical-critical study of contemporary examples.

    Theoretical thinking and the work of some contemporary "masters" will introduce the theme of architecture as an interpretative and reminiscent tool of space-environment; this will be the selected bibliography, taking into account the limited time available to students altogether. For this reason, some hours of the workshop will be devoted to reading and commenting on the texts in the classroom and the elaboration of any project exercises.

    The case studies identified will be the basis for comparing and verifying the acquired technical and cultural knowledge, as well as measuring with design themes with considerable internal complexity and a dense system of relations with the contexts of belonging to decipher and interpret.
    The main structure of the course will therefore be divided into frontal lessons, classroom exercises, seminars, moments of in-depth study and comparison, direct experimentation on the project area

  • Landscape Design and Planning

    The main content of the course in territorial planning concerns the integration of considerations, methods and instruments in the field of metropolitan area planning, with reference both to peri-urban areas and internal areas, that is those areas considerably distant from centres of essential services provision (such as instruction, health and mobility) areas rich with environmental and cultural resources and highly diverse as a result of the centuries-old impact of human activity.

    Students will be given an overall scheme of the concepts of “territory" and "landscape" and of the equipment concerning landscape planning, with reference to new paradigms and international framework.

    In order to experiment a planning approach aimed at the control and management of a compatible and integrated territory development, following the European Landscape Conventions’s directions, the final aim will be the acquisition of the following competences:

    -reading and comprehension of the landscape system; coordination of the various elements of the project (to the different scales?) ; conduction of a planning iter of open spaces, gardens and parks; integration of problems concerning landscape into the architectural project.

Textbook Information

    1. Clément G., Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet editore, 2005
    2. Assunto R., Il paesaggio e l’estetica, Novecento editore,2006
    3. Priore R., Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio, Centro stampa d’Ateneo edizioni, Reggio Calabria 2006
    4. Simmel G., Saggi sul paesaggio, Armando Editore, Roma 2006
    5. Donadieu P., Campagne urbane. Una nuova proposta di paesaggio della città, Donzelli Editore, Roma 2013
    6. Quaroni L., Progettare un edificio “Otto lezioni di architettura”, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 1977
    7. Monestiroli A., La metopa e il triglifo, Laterza editore, 2002
    8. De Fusco R., Storia dell’Architettura Contemporanea, (IX capitolo: Il codice dei limiti - La linea), La Terza Editore, Roma – Bari, 2000 e successive
    9. Sbacchi M., Traslazioni dalla teoria al progetto, Ila Palma Editore, Palermo 2005
    10. Franceschini A., Percezione e spazio urbano, Quaderni del dipartimento URB materiali e ricerche 2, Università degli studi di Trento - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale, Trento 2004
  • Landscape Design and Planning

    1-Convenzione europea del Paesaggio, Firenze 2000.

    2- Alessandra Capuano (a cura di) Paesaggi di rovine e paesaggi rovinati, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2014

    3- Michael Jakob, Il paesaggio, il Mulino, Bologna, 2009

    4-Federica Corrado, “Il concetto di risorsa territoriale”, in F. Corrado (a cura di), Le risorse territoriali nello sviluppo locale, Alinea, Firenze, 2005.

    5-Roberto Gambino, Il ruolo del patrimonio nei processi di sviluppo, in F. Corrado (a cura di), Le risorse territoriali nello sviluppo locale, Alinea, Firenze, 2005.

    6-Roberto Gambino, “Il ruolo della pianificazione territoriale nell’attuazione della convenzione”, in G.F.Cartei (a cura di), Convenzione europea del paesaggio e governo del territorio, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007

    7-Paolo La Greca e Francesco Martinico, “Strategie per il Val di Noto”, in F. Corrado (a cura di), Le risorse territoriali nello sviluppo locale, Alinea, Firenze, 2005.

    8-Alberto Magnaghi, Patrimonio territoriale, statuto dei luoghi e valorizzazione delle risorse, in F. Corrado (a cura di), Le risorse territoriali nello sviluppo locale, Alinea, Firenze, 2005.

    9-Mariavaleria Mininni, “Abitare il territorio e costruire i paesaggi”, prefazione a Pierre Donadieu, Campagne urbane. Una nuova proposta di paesaggio della città, Donzelli, Roma, 2006.

    10 -Domenico Sorace, Paesaggio e paesaggi della Convenzione europea, in G.F. Cartei (a cura di), Convenzione europea del paesaggio e governo del territorio, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007

    11 - Observatorio virtual del paisaje urbano mediterraneo

    12 - Regione Bssilicata, Osservayorio virtuale del paesaggio