Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Eugenio MAGNANO DI SAN LIO
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: ICAR/17 - Drawing
Taught classes: 120 hours
Term / Semester: One-year

Learning Objectives

The course aims to give students the ability to use the theoretical knowledge of descriptive geometry acquired in the first year drawing courses for the representation of architectural forms. The project design, that is the representation and prefiguration of the architecture, is a tool for verification, analysis, communication of the idea to the clients and other operators, from which it is not possible to disregard the design process. We therefore want to start the Architecture student to understand the purpose of drawing as an indispensable link between the idea and the architectural object in its concreteness. In order to achieve this goal, the part dedicated to architectural survey is fundamental in the course, which, with an inverse path, but similar to that of the project, relates a concrete building to its representation. At the same time the course intends to give the students the necessary tools to be able to face with sufficient certainty the different problems of architectural survey in the professional field. The discipline of the architectural survey is also an irreplaceable didactic moment for the knowledge of Architecture, since in the exercise we understand the buildings thoroughly, observing them, interpreting them, measuring them and representing them in their different aspects. On the concreteness of the artefact that is studied, although referring to a precise cultural context, we analyze in a precise way the geometries, the functional relationships, the relationship with the context and with the history, the structural systems, the constructive techniques, the representation systems , etc.

Detailed Course Content

The lessons of the course will be conducted on two parallel tracks: one dedicated to the design of architecture, to the understanding of the geometries used in the most recurring lexicons and their representation; the second dedicated to architectural survey. The two themes will be dealt with almost simultaneously, however giving priority to the topics related to architectural design and the study of architectural vocabulary.

Introduction to the course:

The design of architecture as an instrument of project; relationship between real architecture and its representation. Organization of lessons and exercises.



The classical language of architecture:

Structural level, functional level and formal level of the classical architectural order. The architectural orders according to Vignola, Palladio, Serlio and Scamozzi. The moldings and their composition.

The Gothic language of architecture:

The geometries of the architectures of the Aragonese period in the Mediterranean. Geometric and constructive characteristics of the Gothic tradition. Geometric and constructive characteristics in the Sicilian declinations of the Romanesque and the Gothic.

Geometries of vaulted systems:

Barrel vaults, vaulted barrel vaults, cross vaults, pavilion vaults, schifo vaults, vaults, composite vaults; geometries of the domes, joints with spherical plumes, trumpet fittings, niche fittings. Constructional and structural features of the various vaulted systems.



Introduction to the discipline of Architectural Surveying:

Educational and professional aims of the survey; the relief as a cognitive act and knowledge as an indispensable premise for a correct survey; the sketch; the visible relief; the different types of reliefs; the scale of representation and the steps of scale; graphic conventions.

The planimetric survey:

The plant as a horizontal section; tools and methodologies; planimetric survey by trilateration and by lengths; triangulations; Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates¸ errors and tolerances; the closed polygonal and its compensation; closed trilateration and compensation; hierarchy of surveying operations; the survey of detail; the survey of curved lines; the dimensioning of the drawings; connection between the different levels.

The survey of the risers:

The leveling, methods and tools; plumb line; telescopic barrel; the survey of horizontal structures, vaults and floors; indirect measures of thicknesses.

Architecture Geometries:

The shapes of the arches and vaults, logic and geometric characteristics of the architectural orders; molding geometries; geometric matrices; metric analyzes.

The representation of the survey:

Iconic representation and conventions; relationship between measurements and representation; the thematic representations; survey and computerized representation.

Topographic tools for indirect survey:

The goniometers, azimuth and zenithali angles, tacheometer and theodolite, the total station; level, laser distance meters; survey by forward intersection; 3D laser scanner survey; three-dimensional models.

The photogrammetric survey:

Perspective restitution with a vertical and inclined plane; orthophotos, straightening; stereophotogrammetry, biocular vision, stereoscopic model, analogue and digital restitutors; architectural photogrammetry and aerophotogrammetry; 3D survey through the use of space-oriented photos.



A first part of the exercises will consist in the redesign of architectural orders, constructive elements and vaulted systems.

A fundamental part of the course is the execution, by work groups ranging from two and five, of the survey of a building, whose choice is agreed with the teacher. The survey is carried out in a manner that is as similar as possible to those of a professional survey aimed at a subsequent restoration, mainly focusing on the knowledge of the geometric and lexical aspects of the detected building.

The graphical results of the survey will be compared with the initial elaborations of the orders drawings, of the constructive elements and of the vaulted systems.

Textbook Information

Andrea Palladio, I quattro libri dell’Architettura, Venezia 1570, Anastatic reprint, Hoepli, Milano 1968.

Giovanni Biagio Amico, L’architetto prattico, libro I, Palermo 1726, Anastatic reprint, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 1997.

Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola, Gli ordini d’architettura civile, a cura di Giuseppe Vallardi, Milano 1841.

Jean Pierre Adam, L’arte di costruire presso i Romani, Milano 1984.

Vincenzo Scamozzi, L’idea dell’Architettura universale, Venezia 1615.

Riccardo Migliari, Il disegno degli ordini e il rilievo dell’architettura classica: Cinque Pezzi Facili, in “Disegnare idee immagini”, n. 2, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 1991.

Mario Docci, Diego Maestri, Storia del rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Editori Laterza, Bari 1993.

Mario Docci (a cura di), Strumenti didattici per il rilievo. Corso di strumenti e metodi per il rilevamento dell'Architettura, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2000.

Mario Docci, Diego Maestri, manuale di rilevamento architettonico, Editori Laterza, Bari 2009.

Course notes