Academic Year 2016/2017 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff: Caterina CAROCCI
Credit Value: 8
Scientific field: ICAR/19 - Architectural restoration
Taught classes: 80 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is the illustration of the methodological steps needed to define the conservative intervention criteria and the consequent real technical interventions for the restoration of the building. Particular importance is attributed to the fact-finding phase and critical interpretation of the current state of the building.

Lectures is joined a seminar exercise that goes parallel to the lessons. The workshop assumes that students perform the scheduled activities under the coordination of teachers: on field observation and surveys; analyses and synthesis of the known historical data; examination of the construction materials and building systems; analysis of the current condition of the building or of a part of it; proposals for restoration.

Detailed Course Content

- Historical research as fundament for restoration. Direct sources (graphic survey; photographic survey, the main archaeometric methods) and indirect sources: bibliographic, archival, iconographic research. From philological research to historical interpretation.

- Key issues for the restoration project. Main theoretical positions in the current debate; treatment of gaps; minimum intervention criterion; principle of reversibility. The old-new relationship: languages ​​and materials, the research for appropriate functions.

- Materials and traditional building techniques. Stone, bricks, mortars, wood: processing and building systems. The historic masonry textures: analysis and interpretation. Overall configuration of the historic buildings.

- Damage and degradation. Main causes of instability, reading of the evidence on the building, foreshadowing the actual or expected damage (cracking framework and collapse mechanisms). Alterations and deterioration of materials: main causes, reading of the evidence on the building and foreshadowing of the actual or expected damage (identification of degradation).

- Investigation and diagnostic techniques. Illustration main specialist investigation and diagnostic tests: objectives, results interpretation.

- Definition of restoration project criteria. Reversibility, compatibility and minimal intervention. Before restoration: protection, preservation and prevention. After restoration: reconstruction, completion and innovation. Strengthening and improving techniques of the masonry structure. Interventions on masonry surfaces: cleaning, consolidation, integration, replacement, grouting, bonding, protection, final inspection, maintenance.

Textbook Information

1. Adam JB., L'arte di costruire presso i romani, Milano, 1988 (pp. 111-128; 129-135; 137-170; 173-210)

2. Carbonara G., Avvicinamento al restauro, teoria, storia, monumenti, Napoli, 1997 (pp. 5-45; 443-493)

3. Carbonara G., Restauro dei monumenti. Guida agli elaborati grafici, Liguori, Napoli 1990

4. Cnr-Icr, Normal 1/88, Alterazioni macroscopiche dei materiali lapidei: lessico, Roma 1990

5. Cnr-Icr, Normal 20/85, Interventi conservativi: progettazione, esecuzione e valutazione preventiva, Roma 1985;

6. Doglioni F., Nel restauro. Progetti per le architetture del passato, Marsilio Editori, IUAV, Venezia 2008

7.Doglioni F., (a cura di), Codice di pratica per gli interventi di miglioramento sismico nel restauro del patrimonio architettonico, ed. Regione Marche, Ancona 2007

8. Donghi D.,, Manuale dell'architetto, Torino, 1925, vol. I

9. Feiffer, C., La conservazione delle superfici intonacate. Il metodo e le tecniche, Skira, Milano 1997;

10. Fiorani, D., Rilievo del degrado e diagnostica, in Trattato di restauro architettonico, diretto da G. Carbonara, Torino, Utet, 1996, vol. II, pp. 523-540;

11. Fiorani D., Restauro architettonico e strumento informatico. Guida agli elaborati grafici, Liguori, Napoli 2004

12. Giovannetti F., Manuale di recupero di Città di Castello, DEI, Roma, 1992

13. Giuffrè A., (a cura di), Sicurezza e conservazione dei centri storici, il caso Ortigia, Bari, 1993.

14. Giuffrè A., Monumenti e terremoti, aspetti statici del restauro, Roma, 1988

15. Varagnoli, C., La materia degli antichi edifici, in Trattato di restauro architettonico, diretto da G. Carbonara, Torino, Utet, 1996, vol. I