Academic Year 2021/2022 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff: Fausto Carmelo NIGRELLI
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: ICAR/20 - Urban and regional planning
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with an analytical and cultural key to understanding the phenomenon of climate change, which is mainly reflected in global warming that could accelerate in the coming years. For this reason, both supranational and national bodies and local authorities are implementing adaptation strategies at various scales. Spatial planning, due to its holistic nature, is called upon to take charge of the direct and indirect consequences of climate change and to facilitate the adaptation of settlements and human activities to climate change.

The course attempts to answer three questions:

What are the consequences of climate change on the urban and suburban territory and what can be the contribution of spatial planning?

What are the strategies at regional and local level?

How to act?

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Course Structure

The course consists of lectures. There will be 4 remote or in-presence lectures held by lecturers and experts who will offer students their reflections and desires by talking with them and with the lecturer present in the classroom. In the final part of the course an in-depth study of a significant case will be carried out.

Detailed Course Content

Climate change and its consequences on the settlement system

Actions taken at different levels of government

The city has changed the climate. Now the climate is changing the city

Mitigation and Adaptation

Model maintenance or change?

Green infrastructure and ecosystem services

An alternative paradigm: discarded landscapes


Textbook Information

1 R. Mezzalama, Il clima che cambia l'Italia, Einaudi, Torino, 2021

1 L. Mercalli, Il clima che cambia, BUR, Milano, 2019 (nuova ed)

2 F. Musco,IL CLIMA CAMBIA LE CITTÀ. Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione nella pianificazione urbanistica, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014

3 F. Tucci, V. Cecafosso, A. Caruso, G. Turchetti, ADATTAMENTO AI CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI DI ARCHITETTURE E CITTÀ GREEN. Assi strategici, indirizzi, azioni d’intervento per la resilienza dell’ambiente costruito, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020

4 A. Magnaghi, Il principio territoriale, Bollati Borighieri, Milano, 2020

5 F. C. Nigrelli, Paesaggi scartati, Manifestolibri, Roma, 2020

6 F. C. Nigrelli, Come cambieranno le città e i territori dopo il Covid-19, Quodlibet, 2021

Bibliografia integrativa

7 D. Cersosimo e C. Donzelli (a cura di), Manifesto per riabitare l’Italia, Donzelli, Roma, 2020

8 F. Musco e L. Fregolent, Pianificazione urbanistica e clima urbano. Manuale per la riduzionionedei fenomeni di isola di calore urbano, Il poligrafo, Padova, 2014

9 R. Mezzalama, Il clima che cambia l'Italia, Einaudi, Torino, 2021