Academic Year 2021/2022 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: ICAR/14 - Architectural and urban design
Laboratories: 216 hours
Term / Semester: One-year

Learning Objectives

  • Architecture and Urban Design

    The main training objectives of the course are: a) to deepen, through architectural practice, the relationship between new and pre-existing in the recovery as well as in the regeneration of the historical and archaeological heritage of cities; b) to develop a new systemic planning in the relationship with the pre-existence, as with the ruin (archaeological and / or architectural) perceived not as a passive and isolated component but as a vital force in the process of redefinition of the contemporary city. The idea of the pre-existence project also implies an interdisciplinary involvement in which the concepts of memory, matter, time and space are intertwined, fueling a dialogue aimed at giving a proactive response aimed at the regeneration of the existing through an open and flexible identity strategy.


    "The projects had to develop according to a process that went from the inside out". (Adolf Loos, My School of Architecture)

    The discipline of “interior architecture” is conceived as an inseparable part and fundamental moment of the architectural project. The course intends to work on the creation of a design research path that questions the preconceptions related to the theme of interior design, a theme often seen as the creation of a "furniture" of pre-existing environments; instead, it is intended to verify how starting from an "inside" it is possible to measure and govern the world (with a process "from the inside out" founding the best architectural culture). In this case we will investigate the ability of the archaeological remains to shape the neighboring surroundings, from this reverberating on the structure of the city, in the greatest tradition of the "urban project".

Course Structure

  • Architecture and Urban Design

    The workshop combines lectures, seminars and design trainings with a final design work that will constitute a moment of synthesis and verification. Each exercise includes lectures on the topics of the course and collective and individual laboratory activities. Seminars are also planned, also held by external teachers and experts in the topics dealt with.


    The laboratory develops alongside the lectures, seminars and design exercises with a final design work that will constitute the moment of synthesis and verification. Each exercise includes lectures on the topics of the course and collective and individual laboratory activities. Seminars are also planned, also held by external teachers and experts in the topics addressed.

Detailed Course Content

  • Architecture and Urban Design

    The main theme of the workshop is based on the relationship between project and pre-existence with particular attention to the recovery of the historical and archaeological heritage.

    The laboratory will be introduced by a series of lectures that frame the theme of the laboratory, with particular attention to significant national and European experiences.

    The proposed exercises will be aimed at acquiring a critical ability of working with the new in relation to the historical pre-existence in urban contexts and / or archaeological sites, with a conceptual approach that is not based on opposition or otherness but which is always based on "sense of continuity ".

    Targeted exercises will be carried out concerning the recovery within the urban context also in relation to the "ruins" intended as design elements carrying values linked to collective identity memory.

    Critical intervention areas will be chosen, where these values are often considered obstacles to contemporary urban development, to experiment with a new proactive design approach with respect to this cultural assumption.

    Within the workshop, the students' activities will have the character of an exercise which will involve particular attention not only to the design outcomes of their work, but also to the critical and training process of the project itself.

    The laboratory exercises usually require four time-phases and several levels of in-depth study:


    • 1st Step, identification of the project areas, analytical reading of the places and preparation of thefunctional program;
    • 2nd Step, development and presentation of the project concept, general definition of the project with volumetric insertion of the new structures in the context; drawings and / or models on an adequate scale;
    • 3rd Step, architectural development of the project with explanatory tables - plans, elevations and section in adequate scale and relative study models (individual work);
    • 4th Step, development of the urban and compositional aspects of the project. The various components of the project must be designed and verified with scale study models (plans,
    • elevations and sections) and significant details on an adequate scale (individual work).

    The students in the first part of the course will carry on the design of the city of Syracuse, a map which clearly shows the role that archeology has played in prefiguring, and often obliging, the shape of the city. For the current year it will focus on Ortigia and the Umbertine expansion following the demolition of the fortifications to the north (the so-called "Forte a Terra dei Tre Ponti").
    The work on the City Design will provide students with knowledge for the continuation of the work in the second part of the course. The students will deal with the design of the most significant archaeological remains - a project of “street furniture”, in essence - through the method of the Minimal Project. Each project will consist of a triptych, at three different scales, and a view, tools of representation and design at the same time.

Textbook Information

  • Architecture and Urban Design

    - Aldo Rossi, L'architettura della città, disponibile in diverse edizioni.

    - Robert Venturi, Complessità e contraddizioni nell’architettura, Dedalo, Roma 1980.

    - Kenneth Frampton, Tettonica e Architettura, Poetica nella forma architettonica nel XIX e XX

    secolo, SKIRA, Milano 1999.

    - Georg Simmel, La Rovina, in “Saggi sul paesaggio”, Armando Editore, Roma 2006, pp 70-81.

    - Marc Auge, Rovine e Macerie, Bollati Beringhieri, Torino 2004.

    - Emanuele Fidone, Frammenti. Il progetto e la potenza rinnovatrice delle rovine, in “Ricomporre la rovina”, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 2010.


    Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, disponibile in diverse edizioni

    Francesco Venezia, Scritti brevi 1975-1989, Clean, Napoli 1990

    Giorgio Grassi, Leon Battista Alberti e l’architettura romana, Franco Angeli, Milano 2007

    Tania Culotta, Progetto di architettufra e archeologia, L’Epos, Palermo 2009

    Giuseppe Voza, Nel segno dell’antico: archeologia nel territorio di Siracusa, Lombardi, Siracusa 1999

    Luigi Pellegrino, Archeologia materia e forma della città, in: Il paesaggio dell’archeologia: Tre occasioni per fare città, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2018