Academic Year 2023/2024 - 5° Year
Docenti Crediti: 12
SSD: ICAR/14 - Architectural and urban design
Organizzazione didattica: 300 ore d'impegno totale, 156 di studio individuale, 144 di laboratorio
Orario delle lezioni
    dal 05/10/23
    Struttura Didattica Speciale di Architettura
    VEN 09:00-12:30 Aula N
    VEN 14:00-17:00 Aula N


Expected Learning Outcomes

The laboratory intends to provide students with operational tools to tackle contemporary landscape design. From this perspective, the priority objective of the course is the definition of a method that allows students to address topics of different character and scale. The idea of landscape understood as "a place of relationships in which each part is not understandable except in relation to a whole which is in turn integrated into a larger whole" constitutes the theoretical foundation of the course, which will be divided into thematic communications and design exercises preparatory to the final project, a moment of synthesis and verification of the teaching activity carried out.

According to the Dublin descriptors (DdD), passing the exam certifies the acquisition of the following results:

1. DdD 1_Knowledge and understanding of the fundamental theoretical and methodological elements of landscape design for their use in the design process for the transformation of places.

2. DdD 2_Ability to apply knowledge and understanding to control the construction tools and compositional aspects of the project, its typological and functional characteristics, which regulate the qualitative relationships of landscape forms at various scales. Ability to control measurements and proportions in landscape design scales.

3. (DdD 3, 4 and 5)_DdD 3 (autonomy of judgment), 4 (communication ability) and 5 (learning ability) ability to operate and communicate the design choices made independently.

Course Structure

The teaching will take place both with frontal lessons which will have as its object the theory of contemporary architectural design and the analysis of significant case studies, and with laboratory design experimentation activities which include exercises of surveying, drawing and analysis of the area chosen as the theme of the course.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of architectural and urban design methodologies. Basic knowledge of technical drawing methodologies. Manual skills of building scale models. Theoretical and historical knowledge of contemporary architecture.

Detailed Course Content

In the initial period of the semester, the fundamental issues of the landscape project will be discussed through communications which will find a necessary moment of verification with inspections and surveys of the study area. We will then proceed with introductory exercises to the project. In the second period of the semester, students will be committed to developing a precise design method that defines sustainable and coherent temporal transformation scenarios in relation to the chosen area of study. The project as a place of possible relationships will focus on the various scales of the landscape, from the architectural to the urban and territorial one, with the aim of controlling the complexity and potential of the transformations of the places, over time.

Textbook Information

1. M. Mosser, G. Teyssot, L’architettura dei giardini d’Occidente-dal Rinascimento al Novecento, Electa Milano, 1990.
2. C. Constant, The Woodland Cemetery – Toward a spiritual Landscape, Byggforlaget Stockholm, 1994.
3. R. Koolhaas, Junkspace. Per un ripensamento radicale dello spazio urbano, Quodlibet Macerata, 1999.
4. P. Nicolin, F. Repishti, Dizionario dei nuovi paesaggisti, Skira Milano, 2003.
5. A. Roger, Breve trattato sul paesaggio, Sellerio Palermo, 2009.
6. H. Küster, Piccola storia del paesaggio, Donzelli Roma, 2010.
7. G. Clement, Il giardino in movimento, Quodlibet Macerata, 2011.
8. G. Clement, Breve storia del giardino, Quodlibet Macerata, 2012.
9. P. Grimal, L’arte dei giardini-una breve storia, Feltrinelli Milano, 2014.

We also recommend reading issues 30, 31 and 52 of Lotus International magazine.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Lectures on landscape design, first design exercisesDesign exercises on the study area

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The laboratory activities are conducted individually and in groups, in a comparison aimed at sharing learning within the entire class of students. In this educational process, active participation and contribution to the development of the various phases of the project will constitute a fundamental contribution to the final result of the course. Students will be evaluated on the basis of their preliminary analytical work, their participation in the collective discussion and the quality of their project proposal. The final exams and intermediate deliveries consist of the presentation and discussion of the materials developed. The evaluation will be individual.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Represent a place in the study area through:

- freehand drawing

- photographic survey

- the architectural survey

- a written text